Tired of the Green Weenie

I joined the army in 2021 and finally got to my unit in 2022 due to a long AIT + Unit selection. I thought getting into a SOF unit meant that I would have a better Army experience but so far I feel worse than who I was before I joined.

I'm in aviation maintenance and was one of the first females to arrive and have been fucked over at every stage of my career. I had a PSG falsely sharp another NCO on my behalf because he didn't like him and I didn't even know about it until my commander and 1sg told me I had to have a formal complaint against him and there was nothing I could do. The investigation was unfounded but they still kicked him out and destroyed his life for "acting unbecoming of an NCO" My reputation was dragged through the mud and everybody wouldn't touch me with a 10ft pole because they assumed I sharped people for no reason.

My PSG purposely accused me of dating other soldiers in front of the plt and when I finally explained everything to my 1sg, i found out he was buddy buddy with him and they went hunting together so it got swept under the rug and my psg gave me an hour long conversation telling me how my perspective was invalid. After that they tried to take a deployment away from me to give to another guy so i did a drug deal with someone else to get a different slot. as soon as I got back from deployment they shoved me in the tool room because my 1sg thought it would be easier for everyone. I became undeployable due to this and ive been in for 3 years and never been on a TDY (most guys at that point had been on 2 or 3).

Once I finally crawled my way back out of the tool room they finally put me on for a deployment but took it away last minute because i decided not to reenlist after everything thats happened. Theyve told me I cant go on tdys either due to vague reasoning like how theres no point in training me anymore even though I still have almost a year left. I'm not bad at my job, have never been in trouble, and have had around a 560 acft score my whole career and have just been treated like shit and looked over and shoved in corners and it's starting to eat me alive.

I feel burnt out and exhausted and I've genuinely come to hate the army. They're punishing me constantly for not reenlisting and promise opportunities if i do, but its like an abusive ex that keeps promising things will get better if i decide to stay with them. I know this isn't a productive post but I had to get it off my chest after years of being treated like lesser than all of the guys.

I'll have a diet coke and 10 piece mcnuggets meal please.