Chaos Bag Poker Chip group order

Hello everyone! Like quite a few people apparently, when I first saw u/teejay818's post, my immediate thought was "Oh I want that." So I'm hoping to be able to organize enough people who are also interested in having a set of poker chip chaos tokens to make it a bit more cost effective. Based on a quick conversation with teejay, it sounds like is going to be the best bet - more customization options for the chip and a good price.

General Outline of events

  • I collect contact information (emails) to keep everyone interested up to date
  • I will develop a set of chips which includes a 1:1 set as included in the Core Set, plus 8 10 each of Bless, Curse, and Frost tokens
  • Proofs for the set will be provided to everyone who has shown interest
  • At the same time, a detailed quote for the price of the set will be provided

Shipping I haven't gone through the full ordering process for chiplab yet, but my assumption of how it will work is:

  • I place the order with chiplab, which will be delivered to me in Oregon, USA
  • I will break the full order into individual shipments and send them out from Oregon
  • Shipping in the US will be done with a USPS small flat rate box for $8.25, assuming a set would fit in one. Chips will be shrink and/or bubblewrapped.
  • International shipping: I'm not as familiar with options here, but will look into it. In the mean time, you can get an estimate on shipping from Oregon to your address to see what kind of options there are. Generally, I've found USPS to have the cheapest options.


  • A detailed quote will be sent out before any commitment is required
  • This quote will include a breakdown of all costs, totaled and divided by how many people commit to the purchase
  • I will collect funds through paypal goods and services prior to making the final purchase
  • Goods and services charges a 3.5% fee, but provides protection for the buyer
  • Because of the high overall price, the G&S fee will be split among everyone who commits
  • Just to be clear from the beginning, I am not making any money from this. The cost for a set of chips will be the actual cost of purchase and shipping.

So, I think that covers the main points at this stage! Here is the initial google form, please fill it out. Major updates will be posted on this sub, but I suspect that a lot of the communication will happen through email just to make sure it gets to everyone who has shown interest. I also did my best to message everyone on the original post who showed interest, so sorry if I missed anyone!

Please reply here with any thoughts or concerns you have with anything I outlined above, and lets get some kickass chaos tokens!