I miss the Flashback Cold-Opens
There isn't really much point to this post other than to say that I miss the flashbacks in Season 1. Aside from the obvious point that it is fun to see characters when they were younger, they also worked really well as cold opens to set the tone for the episode, and could serve to parallel the arcs that characters were experiencing in their respective episodes.
Now, Season 2 already very rushed, so I'm not saying that it actually would have benefited from inserting scenes that are technically unnecessary to the main plot, but if the story were given the ~2 seasons it deserves, or even if it were just more well-paced, I think using more flashbacks as cold opens would have been really nice.
Imagine if, instead of focusing on seeing the main characters' childhoods, we could see their teenage years this season. We could see Vi's time in prison, Caitlyn enlisting as an enforcer, Jinx being raised by Silco, Jayce when he was new to the academy, etc. I'm not much of a writer, but just thinking of this makes me want to mock up flashback scenes with these characters and how they could contribute to the story.