Experience with Gemini connections?

In my experience, I feel Gemini partners can be amazing and work incredible with our astrology. However, like anyone, I feel we have to be really careful in discerning whether or not they are healthy. I had an experience with one for a few weeks last month. Matched with him on Facebook dating. The connection was beautiful and genuine without much sexual nature up until the third week. The third week, we both got attached, but him more than me. It was so bad, he would be like “I miss you” every 5 minutes. Lol. He also revealed to me that he has multiple female best friends. While I don’t have an issue with guys being friends with girls, I do believe there needs to be boundaries set. (Meeting in public places, reasonable amount of time, group settings, etc.) This guy would hang out with them alone for extended periods of time. There’s this one in particular he was close to and admittedly had feelings. We were supposed to have a virtual movie night, but he was an hour and a half late due to being with said girl he has feelings for “on the phone.” I tried expressing how uncomfortable and hurt I felt, and he didn’t want to hear me out until he felt me withdrawl. I ended the connection because I saw this behavior as unsuitable for a relationship. He would express his feelings for me, but would show lack of commitment and decisiveness from how attached he was to these women.