Dear Aquarius, Hang in there. Good things are on the way

This season has began horribly. I lost my job, had a issue filing for unemployment so I couldn't get paid. My family was struggling and so was I. I applied for 5 different jobs, 2 of them I really wanted, did interviews with them but didn't think I got them. I know they were a reach but atleast i tried any ways.

1 month goes by and I heard nothing from anybody. Borrowing money from my inlaws to feed my family. Bills piling up. I began working at a job that I initially didn't want but figured I'd just stick it out until something better comes along and I can get some money. I'm currently on my second week at this job and seriously all within 24 hrs, my first unemployment checks comes in. Later that day I received a phone call from one of them companies that i thought were a reach for me.. They said that they raid over my resume and feel that I am qualified for the position. They are willing to take me next week if necessary. I said yes... 1 day layer I received a another call from the other job I wanted. They said that I got the job. It's crazy how shit like this works. 1 montg your going through hell and the next you blinded by light. Even though all of my problems are not solved. Far from it but atleast now one of my problems Is deciding what job I want more.

Hang in there Aquarius, This Is Our Month even if you may not realize it yet.