Bit repetitive sorry, but Goth/Huskarl counters+suggestions/ideas
In regards to SOTL unique unit counters and the recent post on here from a Goth user saying what the civ’s biggest strengths and weaknesses was
I was thinking, what if you cant effectively rush them and stop the coming onslaught before castle age? Say, they pre emptively create half a dozen spearmen and/prepared for their signature weakness to be exploited so the best you can do is try to castle rush and boom and hope to army counter them,
What units do you mainly use or take advantage of civ bonuses?
I was thinking in some deathmatch games im pitted in in ranked 2v2/3v3, would Malian 2h Swordsmen spam stop a pure huskarl rush? Slavs? Unique tech for infantry dealing aie damage and spamming champions/halberdiers?
Bulgarians +5 armor infantry, iirc
And/or teutonic knight rush, which is definitely effective yes but in the time it takes to build a castle in TDM non-Huns, you need 1-2 houses and enough villagers to rush it up, and Goths can smack down 1-2 barracks and houses and rush sooner than then
TL;DR, what are your civ bonus+infantry/cavalry picks in games like 2v2+ Deathmatch or Rand. map when you cant rush them early and cripple their eco pre-castle age