The vegans on this sub should be more concerned with vegan natalists than non-vegan antinatalists
I don't know why vegans on this sub complain so much about non-vegan antinatalists and the suffering they supposedly create by not being vegan, when vegan natalists cause infinitely more suffering than non-vegan antinatalists. However, I rarely ever see vegan antinatalists on this sub complain about vegan natalists to the extent that they complain about non-vegan antinatalists.
When vegans reproduce, they cannot guarantee that their child will stay vegan, even if they raise them as one. Their child could easily become a so-called "carnist" and contribute to the system that they despise so much. However, non-vegan antinatalists will live and eventually die without ever bringing more "carnists" into the world.
Therefore, natalist vegans cause way more suffering than non-vegan antinatalists do by breeding potential "carnists" that will suffer themselves and supposedly cause animals to suffer by not being vegan. The vegans on this sub should focus more about the harm that vegan natalists do instead of constantly complaining about non-vegan antinatalists.