I will be honest with you people from USA

I'm eastern european I don't earn a lot of money, I live a simple life but when I think about the USA and that the rents in your country went up so much that people end up on the street, that you rarely get any usual things like 25 paid time of vacation or paid sick days, and these things that when you get very ill if u dont have insurance you can go bankrupt or the cost of university, I just feel that you have it much much worse. I mean I'm poor as fuck but when I'm working I dont feel scared of getting sick because I know nothing bad will happen to my budget because I will be paid just for how long I will be sick, the same goes for the fact that emplooyted can't just fire me wth no reason at all, and if they have one it must be document, don't get me wrong I'm not trying to flex, like I said im poor bastard and I will never afford Tesla but do I really need it? oh and we don't don't have issues with with gangs these creeps or whatever its called bloods and being robbed or having car stolen etc type of thing as often so Just wanted to say I hope you guys make iot to voidness with not necessary obstacles on the way (like huge bills and shit)