Is it okay to stop taking both Escitalopram 20mg and Propranolol 80mg after using them daily for more than a year because of them causing physical health issues like gastric issues, sinus problems and increased AST and ALT levels?
I'm a 30 years old woman. I don't drink or smoke. I didn't have any bad health issues prior, beside having depression and anxiety for years and being diagnosed with high cholesterol at the age of 27. I also had the increased liver enzymes when I used to be overweight.
So I've been taking Escitalopram 20mg and Propranolol 80mg daily for more than a year after I got panicked after a traumatic incident. I barely got exposed to a insecticide chemical by inhaling it a little. It made me feel weak and dizzy and then I felt a burning sensation in my throat. I was so scared and went to a doctor. The doctor prescribed me some antihistamines drugs and it made me feel better after a day. But the worst things started to happen later. I had the worst period of my life with strange and weak feeling in my legs when I felt a fear, constant diarrhea, inability to eat food and the worst of it all was not being able to breath fully normally. The physicians whom I went to told me that what I was experiencing was a panic attack after that allergic incident. So I went to a psychiatrist and he prescribed me some medicine and at first even the medicine could not help my symptoms. The doctor prescribed me Escitalopram (Lexapro) and Propranolol and increased the dose gradually. But I still had extreme sensitivity to smokes so the doctor prescribed me Bupropion SR (Wellburtin) 150mg too. I took all those medicines and Atorvastatin 10mg every now and then too because I had an issue with high cholesterol when I was overweight.
After using all those medicines, I lost so much weight and I became super skinny too. More than half of my hair fell out and my hair became very thin which made it possible to see my scalp on some areas of my head. When I talked with the psychiatrist about my hair falling out due to the medicine which I'm taking, he dismissed it saying that it's not possible . I had my most recent doctor appointment with him on yesterday and when I told him the elevation of my liver enzymes AST and ALT after a year of using all those medicines, he still denied it saying that the medicine which I'm taking are not toxic to the liver. He asked me to do a liver scan and a ALT and AST test again. He prescribed Lexapro 15mg and the same dose of Propranolol 80mg daily. My parents are asking me to stop taking those medicine because the doctors are not listening to my concerns even after I have started to have some strange body discomforts I had never had before taking all those antihistamines and antidepressants medication. I don't get panic attacks anymore but my doctor wants me to keep using these medicines even if I told him about how they had affected my physical health badly.
My chest feels heavy and I feel like it's inflamed from the inside and also I feel like I have too much phelgm/mucus in my throat, chest and head...specially on rainy and cold weather days. I think it's because of postnasal drip which I never had befoe using these antidepressants daily for such a long time.I also have had bad gastric issues and swallowing issues too after using the medication and several vitamin supplements for the excessive hair loss problem. But the doctors are blaming it all on my anxiety. But can anxiety really cause the mucus/phlegm buildup? I threw up all the food I ate after having a bad headache recently and then I threw up a significant amount of white colored phlegm too. Sometimes I had unexplainable body pains like backaches, sore legs and bleeding through anus while on my period. All those things had never happened before so that's why I feel cautious about this. So what should I do since the doctors are dismissing my concerns? I want to reduce my propranolol dosage to 40 mg daily but I wonder if it would be harmful as the doctors around me claim. Since I don't have panic attacks anymore I think that it's not good to risk my physical health. I just want my body to feel normal and healthy again without all those physical discomforts. When I had my annual blood test in the last month, I had my AST level at 47.52 and ALT level at 94.56. My other health reports of blood glucose level, Cholesterol, Creatinine and the full blood count test was normal. When I had the blood tests done back in 2024 February, I had normal AST and ALT levels too. When I was overweight and was on Olanzapine for lack of sleep issues, I had the high range of AST and ALT levels as well.
I had my latest psychiatrist appointment on yesterday and the psychiatrist reduced my escitalopram dose to 15mg but kept the same dose of Propranolol at 80mg. When I told him about my increased AST and ALT levels, he just brushed it off saying that those medications which I'm using doesn't cause liver health issues. He asked me to do a liver scan test instead and let him see the report.
I know that going cold turkey on antidepressants is a bad idea but I wish that I could taper off more quickly. I had went to a couple of general physicians to get advice about how to taper off those medicines but none of them are willing to give advice and told me to do just as how my psychiatrist told me to. I decided to write about this issue on Reddit because I just can't find any doctor in my country who is helpful enough to give me guidance on how to taper off safely in a specific time period.