(32M) my partner(30F) tried to hookup up with men on reddit. Says it was alcohol mixed with SSRIs. Any advice?

TL;DR my girlfriend of 7 years (30F) was trying to hook up with men on reddit breeding kink sites while I was out of town for work. Claimed it was alcohol mixed with her SSRIs and doesn't remember doing it.

Backstory: my girlfriend (30F)and I (32M) have been dating for 7 and lived together for 6.We have definitely had some issues in the past, but never any infidelity. We have always had fantastic sex. Very open and honest about what we want in the bedroom, and considerate lovers on both ends. She suffers from alot of insecurity because she feels like i am "out of her league" for lack of better words. Im not good at reassuring her but she is the person i love. Now there are several things that have happened to break down trust between us(long stories). I have always known that I was the 1 for her and that she loves me more than anything. She always does things to make my life easier. Cares for my family, is really close with my sisters, and has always put up with my busy lifestyle and frequent moodiness. She really is incredible. We dont often get tired of each other even after 7 years. We recently had a pretty bad spell stemming from me agreeing to go on a last minute trip to europe with my friends band (literally three weeks notice).We were already having issues at the time and weren't speaking much. And I really didn't think I was going to be able to go on account that I didn't have a passport yet. We'll long story short she was the last to find out and she felt betrayed. Totally understandable given the circumstances. I should have told her right way but honestly we were in a bad place at the time and not speaking much. Well when I got back 1 argument led to another and we split. I let her stay at our apartment since i had more options of people to stay with. We'll we didn't talk for a week and then when we did we agreed to get back together but would stay living apart while we tried to mend our relationship. That lasted about 3 months and I moved back in. Fast forward a few months things had gotten much better. We were having regular sex again,and generally enjoyingeach other again. well I had to go out of town for a weekend for work. I got back the day before Thanksgiving. We had great holidays with our families Things were normal. We have had some flare ups since but we worked through them. I ended up finding a reddit story in "am I the asshole" and "relationship advice"that sounded an awful lot like our europe trip mishap. I thought It might be her so I went to the profile and I was right. Unfortunately I discovered that the weekend I was gone she tried to hookup with people via a reddit "breedingR4R" hookup sub reddit. Among others. I saw her comments on posts of guys that were looking to hookup specifically breeding kink/impregnation stuff.I confronted her and at first she denied it. She even got her phone and we went through it which I saw she had messaged people trying to get them so come over so they could have sex. Saying she was "horny and didn't want to just masturbate". She kept denying it and said maybe she was hacked. She eventually broke down and said she think she did it while she was drunk and proceeded to tell me she believes she has an alcohol problem and needs help. I really don't know how to take this I mean she was just the last human being on this earth I could have imagined doing something like that. Now I'm no cuck but there is a part of me that wants to stay with her and i dont know why. She is supposed to be my person yaknow. But honestly how do you get past something so vile