
My 17 year old daughter was officially diagnosed with Ank Spond in December 2023. She was prescribed NSAIDS pre-emptively before the diagnosis which haven’t worked and she has now been referred for treatment with Amgevita. My husband has had Ank Spond for 15 years and has been on Humira for 12 years. It was life-changing for him and we were hoping our daughter would get the same. However we found out today she is getting the biosimilar. We are in the UK so do not have a choice as the NHS no longer prescribes Humira for new patients. Does anyone have any experience to share about Amgevita? She is currently bedridden and cannot attend college. She is in so much pain and in constant distress. We’ve been told it will be another 2 weeks minimum before she gets her first shot. I am hopeful that we see the life-changing benefits her dad did with Humira but I don’t know anything about Amgevita, only that it is highly similar to the original Humira. Any feedback good or bad would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.