Pre Rant below👇
This bill is too vague and extreme, people says it would only target “Lolis” but that’s just naive and depending on which dinosaur judge think it’s a good idea, you can’t possibly guarantee that. Let me say this first, I do not like loli but this law targets ANYTHING that slightly depicts minors “obscene”. Which is quoted from the law. Such something as simple as wearing a bathing suit applies to showing legs. This would be ban most of our favorite shonen and many other anime as well. Such as Dragon Ball, One Piece, Re Zero, Chainsaw Man, Naruto, JJK, DanDaDan, Black Clover, Berserk, Bleach, Fire Force, HxH, Devilman, Higurashi, and much more. All and Any anime with fan service would be affected. Also the law says not just teenagers but young adults that look like teenagers. So anything could be fair game as long as they claim it is. Not just anime but American tv shows like family guy, Rick and Morty, South Park and Boondocks etc as well and even video games like Persona, Baldurs Gate, or even Final Fantasy etc or god knows how far to an extent they will go to defy the word “obscene.” The law is specifically vague on purpose for they can pick and choose what to ban. “Obscene” could also mean gore, death, alcohol and drug use or literally anything else that goes against your morality or just don’t like. So you can definitely add Attack on Titan and Demon Slayer to that list as well. This law will open up pandoras box and allow them to further censor whatever they feel like and I’m extremely disappointed a lot anime fans support this because they think it’s specifically targeting one group of people but it’s not while not realizing they’ll also get locked up and thrown in the same jail. The bill is vague on purpose for they can dictate what they want banned. I think Texas should fuck off and focus on helping actual kids by finding the thousands of missing kids getting trafficked in their own state and arrest the god knows how many pedophiles are preying
This bill is too vague and extreme, people says it would only target “Lolis” but that’s just naive and depending on which dinosaur judge think it’s a good idea, you can’t possibly guarantee that. Let me say this first, I do not like loli but this law targets ANYTHING that slightly depicts minors “obscene”. Which is quoted from the law. Such something as simple as wearing a bathing suit applies to showing legs. This would be ban most of our favorite shonen and many other anime as well. Such as Dragon Ball, One Piece, Re Zero, Chainsaw Man, Naruto, JJK, DanDaDan, Black Clover, Berserk, Bleach, Fire Force, HxH, Devilman, Higurashi, and much more. All and Any anime with fan service would be affected. Also the law says not just teenagers but young adults that look like teenagers. So anything could be fair game as long as they claim it is. Not just anime but American tv shows like family guy, Rick and Morty, South Park and Boondocks etc as well and even video games like Persona, Baldurs Gate, or even Final Fantasy etc or god knows how far to an extent they will go to defy the word “obscene.” The law is specifically vague on purpose for they can pick and choose what to ban. “Obscene” could also mean gore, death, alcohol and drug use or literally anything else that goes against your morality or just don’t like. So you can definitely add Attack on Titan and Demon Slayer to that list as well. This law will open up pandoras box and allow them to further censor whatever they feel like and I’m extremely disappointed a lot anime fans support this because they think it’s specifically targeting one group of people but it’s not while not realizing they’ll also get locked up and thrown in the same jail. The bill is vague on purpose for they can dictate what they want banned. I think Texas should fuck off and focus on helping actual kids by finding the thousands of missing kids getting trafficked in their own state and arrest the god knows how many pedophiles are preying