Question about end game bunny puzzle [Spoilers]
So I've finally collected all the bunnies, got the office key, true ending, etc. I'm up above the well and I'm at the part where I have to decode a location or pathway to fly with the manticore.
The binary puzzles are a bit out of my wheelhouse, I had to learn how to count to decode the egg song, but then I got stumped again with the ears. I tried for a while to solve it on my own but I reached my limit sadly. I looked up some hints and I figured out how to read the ears to get the clues.
My question is, how did people realize that the first set ears represented the order of the bunnies, and the second set of ears represented the direction to fly? The guide on the techraptor site just says they figured it out, but I'm curious what the clue was for determining which ear pattern meant which answer.
Anyway, even though I didn't figure out the method myself, I still want to decode each pair of bunny ears myself and then see where that takes me. Love this game!