Can I still show an interest in Anarcho-Communism despite my financial background?

I don't know if this ideology should be available to people my class, because I don't think I really fit the bill for a 'typical anarcho-communist' - suffering from financial insecurity, lack of political freedom, and general struggle in living. Now, I am rather young, only 16, so I might receive firsthand experience of this once I become an adult, but I don't know if I have the right to even show interest in this. My family is somewhat well-off, we can buy food and even a few snacks, we can afford to buy bottled water instead of having to rely on tap, and I'm fat. The only 'suffering' my family has, and what I have, is mental instability, but that's about it.

Pretty much the only reasons I show interest in this ideology is because I care about people, and think this is one of the best political systems to achieve happiness for everyone, but is empathy enough of a justification?