Would I be wrong to confront my wife's male friend
My (31M) wife (30F) has an old friend that pre-dates our relationship and marriage. The guy was even invited to our wedding and I got a chance to meet him. They've kept in contact over the years and kept things fairly respectable. Fast forward to now, the man has his own family, but continues to text my wife what I feel to be pretty frequently. He's usually the one to initiate the convo. The convo's are pretty platonic, but extremely frequent. They are in different time zones and he's basically waking up and texting her around 630am 2,3,4 times a week in spurts. I'm wondering if I should just let this go since the conversations are friendly in nature, or confront the guy about texting my wife so often. I am not 100% uncomfortable with it, but I realize, as a married man myself who's busy with my own family, why is this married man so frequently texting my wife when he could attending to his own life and family, even if its just a "hey, how are you." I've had conversations with her in the past and she doesn't have many friends and wants to keep him as a friend and I'm ok with that, but I just don't think he needs to contact her so much seeing as he has his own life and family to worry about. I think this guy has ulterior motives and is playing the long game!
Update: someone mentioned why be insecure about something platonic. Context, they dated/had sex when they were teens. So they’ve had a thing for each other. I have female friends, so I’m not opposed to men and women as friends, but I just feel like dude is texting WAY too frequently. That’s the heightened insecure part. Like dude, why are you sending my wife good morning texts. Even if platonic, check in once a month. Not 3-4 times a week. I’m just saying….
Also, the question of the day is… does this guy’s wife know he’s frequently texting my wife! Now, I am not looking to ruin anyone’s life here. So that is why I am seeking to understand is it best to contact him to say back off a bit. Not saying he cannot check in. Just not so frequently dude.
I do appreciate everyone’s responses!
Update2: I appreciate everyone’s feedback, the good, the bad, and the blunt. I leave out key details to maintain some privacy, though, this is the internet and this post is anonymous. I have had conversations with my wife and many posts say to speak with her. So that is what I have done and will do. I will say, that early in our dating, this friend of hers has initiated conversation where he’s out right said “I love you” to her. Now…. I knew what I got myself into by marrying a woman who had a male friend. Didn’t and doesn’t bother me. But this friend in my opinion has over stepped before and in my opinion should be tending to his family and not having my wife on his mind at what I assume to be when he first opens his eyes in the morning. Whether she gets the texts later in her day, she is the first thing on his mind. In my opinion, that is deeper than friendship. All in all, I haven’t gotten through all the comments, but I love the feedback and insight that I’ve received. Getting an opportunity to hear all the perspectives provides me with an opportunity to make a rational decision.