I’m so scared

I literally have no idea what to do. This month me and my boyfriend have been engaging in some activities. For like the past 3 weeks it’s been hand jobs, fingering, and oral. (Fingering is only around the vulva, never inside me) We have never penetrated. So fast forward to this week, my app tells me im going to get my period March 5. Now, im a day late. I keep telling myself that im not pregnant but I keep getting ALOT of discharge and my hole is open for some reason. My anxiety keeps telling me maybe he had his sperm on his hands when fingering, but the most was dry sperm one time. Scary part is, if I somehow am pregnant, I have no idea when to take the test since I would have no idea which day I did it on. Has anyone else been through this?? I’ve been stressing out for the past 4 days. sorry about crying to this Reddit for like the 3rd time.