70% off items marked down by 25%?!?!?
Got these two sweats off the 70% rack at the philly outlets and there were multiple of the pant styles in different sizes so i know they were included in the sale… however…. They rang up with a 25% discount… i explained to the worker that they should each be 70% off to which she replied yea our sales can be misleading and that its easy to mis the fine print. I knew it was cap because i specifically looked for any small text that could undermine this 70% off rack. Then she calls her manager and asks about my two items and says i can give you 25% for the one and that the other one wasn’t part of the sale… which wouldn’t make sense because there was multiple of that style on the rack… i said whatever because i didnt want to make a scene but once i left i asked my girl about it and she said it was definitely supposed to be 70% off. So we go back after a lil sweet treat at auntie annes and i talk to different worker at the register and she says let me get my manager. Gets him and he acknowledges that he remembers the situation as the previous worker had to call him about it. He then explains that the pants each have a different sale… despite them all being on the giant sign that has 70% off. The other sale racks ranged from 50 and 60 but were T-shirts and hoodies. He kept saying that the previous worker had given me a “deal” by marking the one pair with 25% off despite it not being part of the deal. Am i missing something?? Or did i get scammed by American Eagle??
Do i return these? Do i go back and walk them back to the 70% off? Please let me know your thoughts on how this ended up being the total it was. Maybe I’m just not understanding how it played out.