Honest question, can she actually be feeling the baby moving around & kicking so much? Referring to when she’s trying on the black cargos she got!!!!

Okay I never been pregnant before so I actually have no idea if this is possible or is she just exaggerating again??? Trying on her black cargo pants, she told Zane "Ohhh the baby was moving around a lot today, doing somersaults, kicking against me." I keep seeing comments from others that it's a bit too early to be feeling that! And it wouldn't surprise me if she's yet again just exaggerating for the video/attention?? As if everything she does is more special & unique than someone else lol. Again I have never been pregnant before so I genuinely have no idea...just feeling a bit unsure if she is delusional or can you actually feel the baby move this early? Just bc she has a big belly she's only just starting the 2nd trimester? So no idea honestly lol. Can't trust her tho which is actually sad so I'm curious what ya'll have to say!