Fellow employees, lets talk about pet peeves

I had to be on register yesterday, so I thought it would be fun to vent about pet peeves with fellow Aldi employees. Most of my pest peeves are related to cashiering, but feel free to share whatever.

  1. Telling me to stop “throwing” things in your cart. - we are trained to “throw” things in your cart. We aren’t even supposed to pick an item up off the belt. We are supposed to slide it from one hand to the other. We are trained to section your items, put heavy stuff in one corner and lighter stuff in another corner, but speed is number one priority on register. We are timed and have to meet efficiency scores. If you load the belt like an idiot and mix heavy items with light items then yea your stuff is probably going to get crushed, but that’s your fault. Everyone knows you are supposed to put the heavy stuff on the belt first so it’s at the bottom of your cart. When you have a cart full of crap and put your milk and seltzer waters on the belt last, I’m going to assume you want your crap crushed. I will never apologize to you for “throwing” your stuff. I’m going to tell you ‘that’s how we are trained and if you don’t like it you’re welcome to use self checkout and do it how you see fit’. I get paid the same whether you leave mad or not, so stay mad I guess.

Also stop acting like we wouldn’t replace an item even if it did get damaged. Touch grass please.

  1. Taking MY cart. -if you don’t come into the store with a cart, you don’t leave with a cart. You people are so damn selfish literally slowing up the entire line because now I have to get up and go all the way outside to get another cart. When I have to do this several times a day, or in the middle of a rush it’s ridiculous.

  2. Packing your bags in my line. - because you were to lazy to come in and ask for a quarter, now you are once again slowing down the whole line so we can watch you bag your groceries. WE HAVE A BAGGING AREA FOR A REASON. Bring in a damn cart and stop being an inconsiderate asshole. Unless you have like 5 items or less, you need a cart.

  3. Standing at the end of the belt and putting one item on at a time. - who raised you people? Why would you stand all the way at the end of the belt and put one item on at a time? Once again I am on a timer. I’m supposed to scan an item a second, when I have to wait 5 seconds for EVERY individual item to travel down the belt I’m gonna start tweaking tf out.

  4. You see me doing something and can’t just use self checkout. - this one kinda depends on the situation. I understand old people, people with a shit ton of stuff, or people with cash coming through my line. But it’s the people who stop me from doing other tasks just to have me scan 2-3 items and they pay with card. Like you really couldn’t just check yourself out?

  5. Taking 10 years to count your money.

    • please stop acting like taking 10 minutes to count out exact change is doing me a favor. No it’s not “easier for me” to watch you count money for 25 years. Just give me the damn dollar bulls and the register will instantly do the math for me. Also unlock your fucking card before you are about to pay. No one is trying to sit there and wait while you figure your shit out.
  6. Throwing money at me like a dog. -tossing dollar bills at me is just rude af. Hand it to me in my hand the same way I give you your change back. If you do this I hope the belt sucks your money up you rude pos.

I think that’s all I got but you guys will probably come up with other stuff I just can’t think of 😂