What helped you get sober, and stay sober?

I have struggled with drinking since I was a teenager. I don’t drink every day, but when I do I just can’t stop. I’ll go five days without it and feel great and then (usually when I’m in social situations) will go out and have a few drinks with friends. When my partner picks me up to take me home I’ll always have to stop and get more and I’ll just drink a ton and usually get super upset (I have some trauma from childhood and just don’t handle stress well). But I’ll drink like 9 drinks at home after getting 3 out. I literally just lose it and I don’t care about anything in the moment. I want to be sober because I am just the worst version of myself when I drink. The longest streak I have without drinks is ten days for as long as I can remember, I literally track it on my fridge. I should mention I am a very functional person, stable relationship, job and friends. I usually start to get the urge to have a drink at about day 4 or 5, and when I’m really stressed it’s all I want to do. What helped you get over that hunch, and stay sober successfully? I’m so sick of this cycle it makes me hate myself. Thanks in advance for any advice or support :(