What are the VERY FIRST steps to quitting alcohol?

First of all I am so sorry if this post shouldn't be here, mods please delete if not!

So basically I am pretty certain I have an alcohol problem. Been drinking a 6 pack and a half of seltzers a day for almost a year, alternating with vodka depending on my mood.

I try to stop for a day and I get shaky and nauseous and anxious. I start freaking the hell out. I drink.

I don't even know what to do.

I'm always certain I can stop on my own, this isn't an addiction it's a choice... but I never can. I'm getting so scared. I'm too motherfucking young to get permanent organ damage from alcoholism. Not that it's okay if you're older by any means but sweet Jesus Christ a 22 year old should not have cirrhosis..

I don't think I'm ready for cold turkey.

What are the first couple steps?

How do you stop when all you've done is recognize the problem, and that's as far as you've gotten?

Thanks in advance for any and all advice given under this post. Very, very much appreciated

I welcome harsh advice too. Be honest. I think I need to hear the "tough pill to swallow" advice. No one in real life is giving it to me, anyway