P2: I lost my job this week
A few months ago I (M33) posted here to say I almost died, trip to the ER after a seizure, with the usual "I'm never drinking again" etc. we're all accustomed to. Fast forward to this week, and I've now lost my job. The job I thoroughly enjoyed and on very good money.
I won't go into all of the details, but progressively over time my bosses became suspicious of the random time I was taking off. Taking off, or just not showing up (I never came into work drunk).
Unbeknownst to them I was battling with alcohol again. I'd spend 5-10 days drinking, maybe not show up one day, sensibly book the rest of the week off, then when I finally sobered up and went through withdrawals, come back to "everything okay?". Eventually they cottoned on to what was happening, and after 4 or 5 times, this/last week was the final straw. It was less about the drink but more about the disruption and "skiving" I guess.
This isn't even the first job I've lost through drinking. I think we're up to 4. 3 in similar circumstances, 1 where I turned up to a meeting half a litre of vodka in, barely able to string a sentence together. Every time I promised myself it wouldn't happen again... But here we are.
I really hope that nearly dying and losing a job in 6 months, combined, will be the wake-up call/"breakthrough" I need. If not, I have no clue.
I've tried (and will continue) AA, I've tried (and will continue) counselling, I've tried medication/acampostrate (currently not prescribed), the only thing I haven't tried is rehab but given I don't struggle to get sober, just struggle not starting again, I'm not sure how much value there would be for me (plus I can't afford it currently, since, no job...).
I've booked in for a full health screening next week, so maybe the current state of my health will scare me into not drinking again. I'm also going to speak to my doctor again on Tuesday regarding medication. Acampostrate worked for me, but maybe something else would be more beneficial given recent circumstances.
I'm hoping that I can find the missing formula for myself, because if not, I'm quite literally out of options.