Why does my life still feel so miserable?
I'm sober since 590 days today and I plan on staying sober. Recently a lot of stress has been occurring in my life and I'm facing big changes in my life situation, since I plan on moving out. Everything seems pretty scary but I'm also looking forward to it.
However, I always thought when I quit drinking, I would somehow magically feel better. That life would get easier with less demons to fight. I did get better at enjoying all the small moments in life again, but generally I feel burned out and don't really have a goal in life which I can pursue that makes feel life worth living and gives reason to fight through hard times.
I know nothing lasts forever, including this mood, but I don't wanna make the same mistake again and hope that moving and living on my own will suddenly drastically improve my mood. Especially since there will be way more things for me to take care of. I want to actively do something to improve my well-being. I started working out, going outside, meeting friends and stuff like that, but nothing rly helps, especially cuz I always feel burned out. No matter how much I sleep or reduce stress in general.
There have been times where it was better but recently I'm feeling down since at least a few months now, and I'm rly lost on what i can do to actively improve my life and make it worth living for me.
Facing all the things that come with how I'm currently feeling, like my messy room, the pile of unwashed clothes or all the stuff I have to study make me feel overwhelmed. I've tried facing small aspects only, but after some time I always crush again and end up doing nothing but stressing myself out by thinking how important those tasks I should be doing are. I feel like social media was also a hugee aspect in this cycle which is why I reduced my screen time a lot, but it's definitely not this alone. I think the general lack of a purpose is a bigger problem here. Religion is not an option for me tho. I've been raised catholic but I'm an agnostic atheist now.
I'm winning the fight against the alcohol every single day and I know that I can overcome the current situation too, but I need help. Does anyone have any tips on how to make this life of mine feel like I'm actually the one in control?