Danielle Smith hasn't thought this all the way through

UPDATE 3/22/25: Great and thoughtful commentary from everyone here (mostly, LOL). I think it's high time everyone write the premier an email and let her know how we feel. She does not have a mandate to do what she thinks she does. She needs to call an election to test the limits of her threats of separation. The email is [email protected].


Original post:

So Dani is threatening that Alberta will separate if you she doesn't get her list of ransom demands met? She hasn't thought this all the way through. Quebec is, today, saying, they're open to a pipeline but it has to be socialized properly. She's threatening that the PM has to OVERRIDE their sovereign rights and grant unfettered access. She will blow this negotiation that is potentially laying at her feet because she's too busy sucking up to Donald Trump and the West Palm Beach set and his cronies like Ben Shapiro to actually give a shit about Canada.

This is a national EMERGENCY. The Prime Minister is saying he supports conventional and clean energy. Tonight he mused about which pipeline would have the most priority (Quebec, incidentally so they could get off US oil which is the right answer). She's having a peeing contest about emissions caps. She is SERIOUSLY going to blow this.

How much do you think the 14 CEO's that signed onto that letter to the leaders of the major parties need her, at this moment, to be threatening separation on top of a TARIFF WAR. That's just what their shareholders want is more UNCERTAINTY and INSTABILITY. She wants to see capital flight to the US, yes, any whiff of an Alberta separation will send that capital down south, irrespective of the Wexit goons that think this is what Albertans want. WE DO NOT. AND YES, I'M YELLING.

We have an opportunity here to deliver energy to the East and she's going to shoot herself in the foot by being such a beotch. Anything to own the Libs though I guess.

PS if you don't think she isn't trying to undermine Mark Carney, read this:
