How do we create real change?

Serious question here. How do we actually change things so that only financially literate, non-rascist, non-classist people are in charge? Right now, it’s a pay to play system in politics and most of us don’t have that kinda cash.

Im picking on the UCP because they’re in charge. But this applies to most major political parties. The UCP has the money to flood us with their message through Ads and donations to leaders they want to lead community groups and city/town councils. I wouldn’t be surprised if they influenced church leaders with money at this point.

They control the vote. And they’re not looking out for majority like they’re elected to do. They only care about the rich and themselves.

Hoarding money to the point that it hurts others and yourself is an addiction. We have addicts running our province. Indeed, addicts are in many powerful positions around the world.

How can we change this? How can we convince the average voter to ignore the ads, put aside their party allegiance, look beyond their prejudices and biases, and vote for the candidate that promises to work for the common good and the majority?

How do we fight back when we don’t even have the money to play?