AirPods Max won't turn on?
I'm on my second pair of AirPods Max now (they're my only headphones) and for whatever reason they won't turn on? They were working perfectly fine yesterday, took them off and put them in the case and stuck them on charge when they were on 5% battery, and went to sleep. Ever since taking them off charge (around 8 hours later) they won't turn on (no noise cancellation, can't be used over lightning -> 3.5mm audio jack) but will "connect" to my iPhone. They still report as having 5% left on the battery when connected, but there's no audio output on them, and the phone won't let me change to playing audio out of it. The LED also doesn't light up unless the headphones are plugged in to the charging cable, but when they are plugged in to the charging cable, the LED will function as normal. The headphones are around a month old now, and I don't know what to do. I need the headphones and can't afford to buy new ones, or do without them. When they're plugged in, the battery indicator light shows that they're green (meaning above 95% battery), but they still won't function at all when being worn. I've had the problem for probably the last week, but it's never lasted more than 2-3 minutes before working fine for the rest of the day, but today it's been over 3 hours now and I can't get them to turn on. Any advice would be appreciated.