Does your ADHD make you charming?


I find that my natural curiosity about people and urge to make potentially awkward situations less awkward, make me super bubbly and conversational. And sometimes I think this puts me in situations I actually don’t wanna be in. I don’t even consider myself an extrovert. It’s weird because I feel a bit of anxiety or maybe it’s just jitters from the excitement of things and people that are new and I get to yapping.

Have any of you yapped and felt like the other person thought you were flirting and then you get yourself into a sticky situation? Like imagine just being nice and oblivious and then you suddenly get googly eyes and suggestive conversations. No thank you.

So I started a new job and went to security for my badge. It was a very small room with two quiet men, so I just start asking about the hospital and making light jokes about getting my picture taken just so I could fill the silence. A third older guy walks in and he flips it on me and starts asking questions which turned into “are you married,” followed by a smirk and snickers amongst the men. The way the question was asked and their reaction threw me off so I just made another joke about needing a husband in this economy to pay my bills. That turned into another thing. More personal questions followed. Which could be friendly! And I wouldn’t have cared but it was the way the vibe in the office shifted. It went from being an inclusive convo to a one-on-one with the other two silently exchanging looks and laughs.

I make attempts to include the other men in the conversation. Honestly I wanted them to save me from the embarrassment of being flirted with at work, but they ignored my eye contact and exchanged boyish looks to each other instead.

I felt like I did it to myself and was annoyed that I did. I previously worked at a place where a security officer would make his rounds on my floor, hunt me down in front of patient rooms and give me long hugs which made me feel embarrassed. I was younger & felt weird about it. I didn’t know how to approach it. I thought he was nice but it made me uncomfortable. Hugging men I’m not intimate with in that way makes me uncomfortable, period. But I digress.

I didn’t want that to be the case again but as this new guy made a mental note of the floor I worked, I was at least happy knowing I work nights and silently hoped I’d only see him in passing if anything.

I’ve also had people initially feel weirded out that I asked so many questions so I guess this “super power” works both ways—a magnet and a repellant lmao.

Anyone else have stories?