Being shamed for getting my ADHD medicated
I am someone who suffered from heavy weed addiction, I know I know.. there are still many people who don’t even believe weed CAN be addictive- keyword CAN BE to some people.. And ADHD is one of the conditions that makes someone more likely to be prone-
Point is I had a weed addiction and would smoke day in day out rotting away avoiding reality, not doing my work not cleaning my room not taking take of myself.. Not leaving the house, neglecting my relationships, blah blah..
My untreated ADHD absolutely had a big hand in that, one big one was when I got so frustrated in my inability to study and focus where I felt like I was just a total fuck up failure I’d often give up and go smoke weed to feel better.. an obvious bad choice. I would neglect my work and often just not do it and fail.
And here I am now, having quit weed and getting medicated for my ADHD. I am on 30mg ER Ritalin, and now I can actually function and do what I need to. I have the ability to clean I have to ability to study, I actually feel like engaging with the world-
And now I get to deal with people sneering that I’ve just swapped one addiction for the other…
I take my medication exactly as prescribed, and try to only take it 3-5 days a week even. I don’t feel addicted to my meds, they dont give me euphoria now it’s been a few months of taking them (they did when I began which I’m told is normal) they give me joy second hand when I go “holy shit I’m functioning!”
I know I probably just shouldn’t pay those people any mind but it is depressing when I’m feeling proud of trying to get my life together just to be told I’m just doing more drugs, and getting told how Ritalin is bad for you and it’s harming me- I also have medical anxiety which got worse when I smoked (paranoia) and I’ve only just started to recover from now im a month clean..
I’m just trying to live and all I get is people telling me I’m slowly killing myself and going to get addicted to my ADHD medication??
I could use some reassurance especially about the claim the medication Is bad for me..