Discussion about benzo addiction

My point is, benzo is literally the most common drugs (after booze maybe). Someone have something to share about benzos use?? I didn't use for one week, and I was a MESS. a crippling mess. I used yesterday after one week and I'm on paradise. I actually feel good. Feel rested, don't feel "high", just good. Just feel good and functional. What is this about?? I don't think I have an addiction, all my family had addiction on hard drugs and is another beast. Not mine.

But what was this about? I feel just like SHIT the week whit out benzos. And now I feel good, rested, I can concentrate, I can function. What is this all about???

Please feel free to share your story!! I feel Is not a real addiction but it's weird. I will appreciate all different experience!! With no hate but all love 💕