what do you do when your gf rarely reciprocates sexually and you’ve brought it up before and asked for more initiation and reciprocation but it still feels one sided? she told me recently that in struggling w adhd symptoms w executive function and activation and stuff that she could think it sounds nice or desirable to touch me and want to but then just doesn’t and is stuck in the pre activation stage like can’t act on it. i also have adhd so i get the struggle but it’s also hard when this only impacts her ability to initiate so i kind of feel like an afterthought or like a task she’s procrastinating on:(. i’m usually the one who initiates anything and it almost always results in her receiving and then kinda checking out and not reciprocating. i love making her feel overflowed with pleasure and blissed out and i also want to feel that way too. i want to feel wanted but she veryy rarely expresses that she wants to touch me and even if she starts focusing on me she shifts the attention to her fairly quickly. i don’t want to feel like i need to ask for her touch every time or reciprocation when it feels so natural to initiate with her and she’s so receptive to that and i often reciprocate when she touches me like it always ends with me touching her(which i LOVE im just not feeling very seen rn). sex is important to me (which i’m still learning to say without guilt or shame) and i want to feel like she knows my body and wants to be patient with me and ‘talk me through it’ with the same patience and attention and eagerness to please that i show her. my sexual confidence has kinda plummeted so i’m not sure what to do/how to shift the dynamic. if anyone also has experienced lack of reciprocation or sexual satisfaction at a point in their relationship and got through it, how did you do it? i’m so very in love with her and want to spend my future with her(we’re both 22).