nausea when getting turned on

Whenever I am starting to get really turned on I suddenly get violently nauseous. I will go from feeling so good and excited to feeling like I’m going to literally vomit on the bed and start sweating profusely. Has anyone else experienced this? I don’t know if i’m getting too excited too quickly for my body to handle or something? Sometimes it starts when we start making out or if we just start doing other foreplay stuff before we’re actively having sex and I get so confused because it’s such a quick transition. I’ve been with my gf for over a year and I’m very in love with her and insanely attracted to her. Sometimes I try to push through the feeling and hope it will go away because I’m too nervous to pause or “ruin the mood” and I still want to try to feel good. Earlier it felt like within just a couple of minutes of getting touchy my whole body was smacked with a wave of nausea and it feels so confusing and dissonance inducing. It usually passes at some point but today I noticed the feeling never rlly went away and don’t know how to make this stop happening? I feel like it impacts my perception of the entire sexual experience:( Any advice or experience is greatly appreciated it’s rlly frustrating and upsetting. Idk if it makes any difference but i’m 22.

some other information that may be useful to consider: it’s been a really chaotic emotionally intense 7-8 months lots of change happening and I struggled a lot with my mental health and was able to get to a wonderful place today but over those months I started being touched a lot less and there wasn’t really much reciprocation happening at all so I was mainly giving. I went through a long period of yearning for her touch so deeply that I started to feel some kind of shame for feeling like I just thought abt sex all the time. Somehow after all those months of wanting her touch so soo bad I am now like really anxious when thinking about her touching me? I think I let this really affect my self esteem and sense of desierableness and I started to fear that she doesn’t really know my body anymore and her touch almost feels a bit foreign. I’m now trying to work past these mental blocks because I didn’t acknowledge how much that situation had affected me until recently.