school crush!! need help!

so there’s this girl in my ap art class at school (who i know for a fact is 100% queer) she’s a junior and i’m a senior, and i have the absolute biggest crush on her!

i followed her on instagram back in october and reached out to her multiple times and each time she answers and is super sweet. she even always likes my posts and my insta notes when i put songs she likes (we have the same music taste)

we’ve never actually talked in person which is my fault because i’m super awkward and socially anxious! and she doesn’t reach out to talk to me first on insta, it’s always me which i’m guessing she prob just doesn’t know what to say, hence she never made me feel like she wasn’t interest when we had convos on insta.

she always walks near me in art class because one of her friends sits right by me, and it also seems like she wants to talk to me but just doesn’t know how or maybe i’m delusional!!!???

we haven’t messaged in 8 weeks -but she continues to like my posts- and i want to actually talk to her in person but i just don’t know what to do or say. i never even smile at her cause i completely freeze.

it’s so scary cause idk if she is just being friendly or if she actually possibly likes me??? i just need help figuring out how to actually talk to her or start something in person - especially with valentine’s day coming up! i’m just terrified of rejection…..