Thoughts on Queer Platonic Relationships

I’m not going to bother defining it because I don’t really understand it myself, try googling it if you don’t know. But I’m mostly asking if you think it’s actually a distinct category of human relationship, and if it’s asexual/aromantic or not?

A close friend of mine recently told me they considered us to be in one and the way they described it just made it sound like a trendy way of being close friends. Looking online it seems like an umbrella term for a lot of unrelated things that there are already terms for ie. close friends, friends with benefits, or even found family. Also I would rather shoot myself than call someone my zucchini or be called someone’s zucchini, but that’s just me.

Asking here because this is the most thoughtful asexual community I’m aware of and I suspect I’ll get a more objective and well thought out answer. I also understand that this might be better suited to an aromantic sub but all of the aromantic subs that aren’t full of epic cake, dragon, and garlic bread memes seem to be dead or mostly dead.