"There are no small parts only small actors." Opinions?

I go back and forth on this quote a lot. Personally, I believe that you can make something out of any part and that it benefits a production to create a character, even for a part with few lines. I also believe that the director truly doesn't care what your backstory is for Café Patron #3 and if you do anything to make them notice you and think of you as a full character, then you are likely distracting from the actual scene and that's not good.

Ultimately, I think I land in a middle space. More like, "Small parts exist for a reason and can still serve the story. It's ok to get a small part, but understand how it fits into the whole of the narrative and play it accordingly." Also "small parts" can provide great experience of being on a set/in a production with less pressure. Use them to observe and learn. Use them to connect with other people in the industry. I LOVE the art of acting, but I don't think everything has to be considered high art to have value and it's ok to be ok with that, too.

What do y'all think?