Will Feyre's character have a development?

I absolutely loved the first 2 books and read them both in about 6 days. But I got stuck at the third one, due to Feyre completely flipping the switch on her personality. I do understand that she went through a lot of trauma and pain, but I feel like the author has given her so much so suddenly.

In second book the most she could with will was create bubbles from water and now she can suddenly do more than someone who has been a fae for more than 500 years. Maybe I just missed the important parts where she trained(?) her bigger powers so if I did I apologise. But it's hard to read a book when the main character goes against you like that.

I would love to continue this series since I was so in love with the first two books AND Feyre as a character, but I just can't handle how she suddenly has such a big power complex and can do anything you can think of when it comes to using powers. This is just my opinion and how I understood the book, so it's okay to not agree with me! :)

So my main questions are: does it get any better? Will Feyre become a bit more bearable as a character as the series developes? Or have I just misunderstood her as a character overall.

I haven't read any spoilers so I have no idea what's coming.