Experiences with Blume Skincare?

Hi all,

I recently started experiencing a bit of a flair-up after a few years of pretty clear skin. Because I’ve literally tried everything else, I decided to give Blume a shot. I’ve been loving the pimple treatment, Meltdown and it makes me want to give the face wash a try as well. I normally use ultrabland by lush because my skin doesn’t seem to tolerate anything else, but would really love to rotate a traditional cleanser in every now and then.

I’m nervous because Blume’s cleanser, Daydream contains coconut oil. I’ve previously understood that coconut oil is super comedogenic and a big no-no for acne prone skin, it seems bizarre to me that it would be included in a product touted for its skin clearing abilities.

Does anyone have any experience with this cleanser or any thoughts? The rest of the ingredients sound lovely and i would hate to miss out on a great product if I’m just being paranoid.