Leaving the Firm

After months of working long hours and dealing with my awful supervisor I am finally leaving. I feel so happy and free to not have to deal with a toxic environment and work 12 hours 6 days a week in hopes I get a promotion. So happy my wife is supportive of this change and of me pursuing a new career.

I don’t know how Accenture compares with other companies and I hope it’s not as bad for everyone else but I can’t do this for the rest of my life. I can’t hate my every day, I can’t stand my manager finding ways of making my life miserable simply because they have no life outside of work. But I am also grateful if my work life had not gotten so bad I would not have been pushed to make this drastic change.

I hope for everyone that hates working for this soul sucking company that they find something else and for those who have had a good experience I hope it continues and you are not out in a situation like the one I was in.