Question about Carriage Roads for Biking in Acadia

My family and I are going to Acadia in August. I did some research on biking on the carriage roads and wanted some more insight. I wanted to know which would be better for biking with a family of 2 kids, ages 9 and 11: Witch Hole Pond or Hadlock Loop?

I know that Witch Hole Pond is more popular and that Hadlock Loop is more hilly. I figured Witch Hole Pond would be much more crowded than Hadlock Loop since the latter is near the Northeast Harbor, so I'm leaning more towards Hadlock. I also figured since Witch Hole is closer to Bar Harbor the task of a bike rental would probably more chaotic since bikes would be in more of a demand there.

Is there benefits to Witch Hole Pond versus Hadlock Loop? Or vice versa? Or if there is another carriage road for biking that is more recommended than the two listed? Any help would be greatly appreciated!