Am I the problem?

So yesterday my husband and I went out to eat. And I honestly think we had a good time. However when I finished eating a couple minutes late the server came over and asked us if we needed anything so I asked for some boxes to go so I could pack up the extra food. We were at a relatively small table so I wanted to make some space to allow me to pack the food up without making a mess. So I moved two small plates onto another that still had a little bit of the appetizer on it. At the time my husband wasn't eating off of it. However the server came over to grab it and my husband was like "Oh I'm still eating that." And so he ate the rest in front of the server. When the server left with the plates he started getting angry with me and said that it was disrespectful what I had done. I tried to explain to him why I did it without making a scene because we're in public. He told me I better never do anything like that again and he asked me if I was in a rush to leave. No I wasn't I just wanted to make it easier for me to pack the food that was all. However when we left that's when he started screaming at me in the car because he wouldn't stop with how disrespectful I was. He called me a fucking idiot and so many other mean things that I started tearing up while driving back home. He said that I should admit that I did something dumb and wasn't thinking before I did it. He screamed at me "Say it, say it, say it!". Even if I did do something he thought was disrespectful I don't think he should have yelled at me the way he did regardless. At one point I felt as though I was a tiny mouse hiding from a vicious cat. I could say anything I just felt weak. I just want to know if he's right should I not have done that. Should I have thought before I placed that plate down. I just feel so emotionally beaten.