is this sexual coercion?

guys pls tell me if i’m insane or if this is so abusive.

last night, i slept alone after my girlfriend caused another dumb fight, because shes insane, with control issues. we have had issues with having sex, i work she does not, so often im too tired to have sex with her and her constant nagging, and criticism just makes my sex drive so low, i’m always at a state of flight or fight when im around her i cannot even begin to want to have sex but i do try. we had sex the night before last, and while i was at work we had a conversation about how she makes me feel pressured to have sex, and she apologized, told me not to worry about it, etc etc. I come home, snd we hang out, eat whatever. During our hanging out she’s constantly implying she wants to have sex, but knows I don’t want to. She’s like “Let’s just go to the room and go to sleep already, because I keep wanting to have sex but ik u don’t want to”.. she says this multiple time, I don’t give into sex, or validate those statements because truthfully I didn’t wanna have sex with her, especially after our conversation where she admitted that she understands she makes me feel pressured, and will let me want it, myself. I told her I needed to do my hair for work tomorrow (I have an afro so getting my hair prepped the night before is essential at times), she asked me “Can’t you just do it in the morning”, to which I said no, and that if she can stay up a little longer, she told me i’m gonna end up going to sleep anyway after i do my hair, so what’s the harm in her just going to sleep rn (I still wanted to hang even if we weren’t gonna have sex), but I said ok and just finished my hair, and accepted i’d just gts without her tonight. I randomly decided while I was drying my hair, that I could masturbate in the meantime, so I got the vibrator and did it. Ten mins later she comes in the living room and sees I used the vibrator, and storms out, starts slamming doors; and then I hear her yell “Wtf that shit is so f*cking weird bro”.. she comes back in the living room and I asked her what her issue is, she ignores me. All I can assume is she’s mad because I’d rather masturbate than fuck her atm, but I was working on building my libido back up which we talked about, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to please myself first, and see where that goes, to help me want to have sex in general. The thing is this is so unfair because.. guys she masturbates all the time while i’m sleeping or gone for work, and even tells me about it, she even watches porn.. but the one time she goes to sleep, and I wanna masturbate its an issue. Ik this may be TMI, but guys I feel so grossed out and weird because of it. It’s like I can’t do anything without her permission. She didn’t sleep with me or speak to me all night after she “caught me”, and she has been on the game all morning, just ignoring me.. i’m so sick of this. I literally did nothing wrong?? pls lmk if i’m insane or if this is abusive and controlling.

Edit: Also, the whole time i got home for the first few hours, she was being so rude and short with me, this was after our talk about her making me feel pressured. She wouldn’t talk back to me for real, she wouldn’t laugh at my jokes, kept side eyeing me, and just making me feel stupid. Then she starts to touch me when we are home, and act into me, I feel it’s cause she only wanted to have sex.