MA Success Story (All Details)
I had a MA and was panicking the whole time- it didn’t go exactly as I thought it would so this hopefully helps alleviate some fears:
I had unprotected sex August 21 + 23 while ovulating.
On October 7 I found out I was pregnant & went right to Planned Parenthood. It was $550 and they gave me Mife there. I then went to the pharmacy to pick up my Miso & pain reliever.
October 8 3:45p I let the 4 Miso pills dissolve in my cheek. 5:30/6:45/7/9p Diarrhea- No blood
October 9 3:45 still no blood- I called PP and they advised me to take 4 more Miso. 5p BAD cramps 7:20p/9:20p diarrhea
October 10 11:30a started bleeding Passed what looked to be the sack at 2:45p Bled for 4 days.
Oct 14 Blood stopped at 8pm
Oct 16 blood started again on and off for 3 more days. (9 days of bleeding total)
Nov 9-11 - bad cramps
Nov 11 - negative pregnancy test
Nov 13 - period started.
If my “cycle” started day 1 the day I took Mife, it was a 37 day cycle total. Longer than my usual cycles. I also took ovulation tests during this whole process and they always showed up positive because of the pregnancy hormones. I learned you cannot trust them before you get the negative preg test.
Ok, I hope this makes you feel a little less panicked! All in all it was a good experience and totally worth it. If you don’t bleed from the Miso right away, don’t worry! Mine came way later than I expected.