Americans - Are you using miles/feet or kilometers/meters?

First, no need to go into all the reasons metric measurements are better than imperial. I wholly agree and wish that we would have gone ahead with the change that they tried to do back in the '70s.

Alas, they didn't and I've grown up with miles.

I'm just wondering if/how many Americans are using kms in the game and using miles in the rest of your life.

I was on a group ride the other day and someone said in a Discord chat that they were at 45. I thought "They can't possibly be there. I know I'm in front of them." Then I realized they were talking kms and not miles. It seems like kms are being used more and more by Americans.

I'd actually like to make the switch but I'm just wondering if it messes with IRL distance "thinking" or is it relatively easy for the two to co-exist.

One of my sticking points is that my IRL riding buddies are almost certainly NOT going to switch to metric so I'm going to be the odd-ball in the group (unless I leave my Garmin in miles I guess).

Does Strava handle things okay. If Zwift feeds it kms/meters and my Garmin feeds it miles/feet, does it do all the right conversion and show things in the system I select?