African net sponge alternative
Hi all, I currently use cheap African net sponge (nylon) for showering after coming from a long time plastic loofah ball user. These are great as they lather excellent, can be easily washed, they exfoliate and are very portable. I have also tried natural loofah, sea sponge, Rami mit & hemp back scrubber+mit along the way.
The problem is that the African net being nylon isn't exactly an eco choice, shredding microplastics every time I shower, it also starts off rough and great for exfoliating, but this disipates so needs to be replaced many times a year. I see adverts for Japanese wash cloths (goshi, salux, sima), but again these are plastic.
I found with the natural solutions that they absorbed alot of product so bodysoap was being wasted, especially the sea sponge and Rami mit. Natural loofah gets mouldy quickly. Best was the hemp back scrubber + mit, good exfoliating and consumed less product, but bulky and heavy.
Does anyone have any other recommendations, or is the best bet to give the hemp another go and try to learn to love it?