After 1 year...

I thought I would share my experience after 2 year.

Today is a celebration. This weekend I climbed Cascade and Porter mountains in the Adirondacks. I've hiked for years, but this time I crushed it. Then today I earned a fastest climb while cycling. Thank you zep for helping me get to this level of performance.

Down 70 from this time last year.

A few thoughts on my journey.

  • immediate affects when your first start are true.
  • endless burping through the first three months, it's true
  • alcohol has little or no effect, it's true.
  • the graph on the info pages in the zepvound packaging are true. You will see your biggest gains/loss in months 3 to 9.

Things I learned along the way.

  1. If you want to accelerate months 3-9 I did regular fasting 18 on, 6 off. It worked really well. I am now down 70 lbs. Although the last 5 has taken 2 months at the 15mg dosage (just like the charts show)

  2. Work out, hit the gym, gain strength. I am now 4-6 days of lifting+cardio and have never felt better (even in my heavier days I would regularly bike and run).

  3. Look forward, not back. Be the person you always imagined,