Yet another reason I can't wait for my appointment with the obesity specialist in December!!!!!

I had to talk to my PCP today about something not Zepbound related. He is one the docs who doesn't "believe" in maintenance doses. He says it is important for me to stop very soon (I'm at goal weight as of Sunday!). Again, I asked why he doesn't believe maintenance doses are necessary (I'm not saying they are necessary, but I would like him to be open to the option) and today's answer blew me away. He said "Well, by now you will have learned how to eat properly, so you'll just continue." He has been my doctor for 30+ years. He's seen me lose and gain weight probably twenty times. Does he honestly think I haven't LEARNED anything about eating "properly" in all that time? He knows about the 43 dieticians and nutritionists, WW (lifetime member so many times), OA, Adkins, low carb, keto, etc. The whole Zepbound thing that has changed for me is without the food noise and the endless cravings, I can follow a healthy diet. The cravings, the hunger, the food noise, the shame of failure (again), the feeling of deprivation -- they are all gone. The absence of those factors because of Zepbound has helped me succeed. Seriously, does he think I've been eating fast food while slumped on the sofa with some soda and ignoring everything ? Does he think I've just been lying all this time? I know none of this is new news, but I just had to type it out today. Thanks for listening!!