Optimal AP : Atk ratio is 1 : 5.3

I used my Jane does stat as a base for what an atk% substat amounts to.

47 atk is 3% atk.

9 AP per substat.

I pulled this anomaly equation off of this site: https://zenless-zone-zero.fandom.com/wiki/Damage

Attribute anomaly DMG= Anomaly base dmg x anomaly proficiency multiplier.

Anomaly multiplier x atk = anomaly base dmg.

Anomaly proficiency multiplier = anomaly proficiency x 0.01.

Now, the anomaly multiplier is different for each anomaly, assault is 713%, burn is 50% (x20), etc. These guys don't particularly matter for this, as we trying to finding an optimal ratio, not the actual damage, so we'll set this as 100% to simplify the equation. (I did find a google sheets doc someone had set up after I did all this and proofed it there).

I took my Janes AP and atk and inserted them into the equation, and then added and subtracted the same amount of substats for AP and atk% to the totals until I found the sweet spot.

4.70 x 2392 = 11,242.

4.61 x 2439 = 11,243. 1:5.29.

4.52 x 2486 = 11,236.

Then I subtracted 10 substats worth of both stats to make sure it stayed consistent at lower values and it did.

3.80 x 1922 = 7303.

3.71 x 1969 = 7304. 1:5.3.

3.62 x 2016 = 7297.

So yeah. 1 : 5.3 ratio of AP : Atk is where you want your anomaly characters to be.

If you find any errors in what I did please let me know.

Edit: formatting and a mistake