Should I pursue her?

Guys advise me, cause ine nzelu zani sila guys. See this might seem straightforward for some but I honestly feel stuck in between a rock and a hard place.

See I (29M) like this chick (27F) so much to the extent that the thought of her really moves my heart in such a special way that I havent felt eversince I was a teen. That coupled with the fact that I find her entirely beautiful makes me feel content with her and her alone. Mind you she has also confirmed that she is into me.

But here now lies the dilemma, I find that we are totally different people. Like we almost have nothing in common in terms of hobbies and personality. I'm a lively guy that loves to talk, laugh, explore the outdoors and just live life in a chilled ' with my heart on my sleeve' type of a way. She on the other hand hates socializing with other people cause she says it makes her feel awkward being around people. She hates 'out doorsy' activities, to the point that her idea of a perfect vacation is going to Zanzibar and just sleeping the whole time there🤷🏾‍♂️.She also doesn't like talking about life goals, aspirations and targets cause she claims that just overwhelms her. But also everytime I'm from spending time with her I feel very exhausted because I literally carry the whole conversation along as though I'm Leonel Messi playing for Mufulira Wonderers in the Champions league vs Man And usually 3quarters of our stretched conversations are about the philosophical side of varioua biblical concepts or about God. As of on the phone we can only speak to each other for no more than 15min whether be it texting or calls because we run out of things to say to each other and then we just start talking about mundane things just to prevent it from being awkward.

So in short what would you honestly advise me to do guys. Should I date her or chew the bitter pile and let her, the only person that's moved my heart in over a decade go?