I dont unterstand the writing between Beth and Jamie
Sooo, iam at S3E6 and from What I saw is that all jamies actions are Justified.
Jamie’s biggest “betrayal” was betraying John Dutton when he didn’t give him the position and instead did the interview and all those things. But if you look back, Jamie was the one who was on the ranch the whole time, did everything for the ranch, became a lawyer for his father—while Beth was always scattered everywhere and basically wasn’t around. Then she shows up once and gets every position.
Another example of bad writing, in my opinion, is that the show tries to make the audience feel sympathy for Beth by showing the scene where Jamie and Beth go to the abortion clinic, and apparently, Jamie didn’t tell her that she wouldn’t be able to have children afterward. But why would he do that? Any normal person would have told her beforehand. He was at least 16 or 17 in that scene.
I also don’t understand the writing in the series anymore. In all the scenes where Beth and Jamie argue, it’s basically just Beth having absolute dominance in the dialogue and constantly tearing Jamie down. The first two or three times, it makes sense and builds tension, but after that, it’s just the same thing over and over again—Jamie just walks away. For me, that’s absolutely terrible writing.
Please correct me if i missed something.