Are one of the hikers the 8th surviver?(Season3 episode 6)
At first I thought the tape was adult Lottie’s murder but once I got too young Lottie screaming at the end she screams “NO!” which is also when the tape gets stopped. At first it sounds kinda faint and you can hear them getting louder so I’m thinking it was the hikers walking up on them. My first question is how that tape made it back to new jersey? maybe one of the hikers could be a survivor but how would they have stayed silent over 25 years? I feel like they would’ve spoke about it unless they got threatened or bought. Another thing that makes me think it’s one of them is the phone bathroom scene, a lot of people think it’s Melissa but the scene before it shows Callie with the tape and then it immediately goes to whoever turned the lights off in the bathroom. Maybe i’m totally wrong tho lol I’d love someone’s input
Edit: I know the tape isn’t Lottie’s murder i was just saying what I first thought