Anyone have any theories about ____’s vision from 3x06
Ok so after watching the new episode I cant stop thinking about this and I haven’t seen anyone say anything about Alikah’s new vision in the cave.
What was up with that super creepy animatronic bear with the third eye??? It seemed like Akilah was looking at their camp and the girls kept glitching to disappearing and reappearing, and then the weird bear walks over. I swear I’m gonna have nightmare from it.
Anyway I was thinking of possible relevance the bear may have or what it may represent, and all i got is the bear that Lottie killed. Maybe it’s hinting that Lottie will kill someone else like the hikers, who just calmly walked into their camp like the bear calmly walked up to the cabin.
I need to hear what other people think Akilah’s most recent vision might mean!!